After spending the 1980s making provocative dramedies with Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar, Antonio Banderas made the leap to Hollywood in the 1990s. And the film that really solidified his status as an American leading man is Robert Rodriguez's 1995 neo-Western, Desperado.

From onscreen explosions to his explosive chemistry with Salma Hayek, Ned and Caroline chat all about Antonio's iconic turn as a vengeful Mariachi in the second installment of Rodriguez's "Mexico Trilogy." And since Antonio's partnership with Rodriguez also includes the Spy Kids franchise, the hosts decided to do a whole sidebar about that bonkers 2001 film too.

How does a gritty action flick lead to an over-the-top family spy comedy? Well, that's just the Rodriguez/Banderas way.

As mentioned in the episode, here's the video of Dakota Johnson honoring her stepdad "Paponio" at the Hollywood Film Awards:

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