With 'Jackass Forever' ready to hit theaters, we decided to go ALL the way back to where it began - to Bam Margera's completely unhinged CKY series, which debuted in 1999 with 'Landspeed: CKY,' a skate video full of raunchy skits and stunts that would serve as the precursor to what would eventually become everyone's beloved 'Jackass.' The boys of Rogue Squadron Podcast are our guests this week, so let's get into it - and be sure to follow us on social @revengeof90spod!
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With 'Jackass Forever' ready to hit theaters, we decided to go ALL the way back to where it began - to Bam Margera's completely unhinged CKY series, which debuted in 1999 with 'Landspeed: CKY,' a skate video full of raunchy skits and stunts that would serve as the precursor to what would eventually become everyone's beloved 'Jackass.' The boys of Rogue Squadron Podcast are our guests this week, so let's get into it - and be sure to follow us on social @revengeof90spod!