In this episode, Rod and Kate Cortizo talk about the lies we tell ourselves in the form of excuses as to why we can't accomplish whatever we want in life.

In this episode we covered some of the most common excuses we hear, why they are not correct and how to overcome them. 

“I don’t eat enough.” “I don’t have enough time.” “My metabolism is damaged or slow.”“I have bad genetics.” “My hormones are too messed up/ crazy.” 

Rod detailed a few easy changes you could make to lose weight without noticing in the next year.

As a reminder, you have choices. Contrary to what you might tell yourself or what society may lead you to believe (the victim mentality is all too prevalent), YOU are in control of the results you get, regardless of the challenges that truly arise. 

Rod used the example of eating 2 apples vs 1 tablespoon of oil. Regardless of the type of oil, they’re all the same in calories. Which one will make you more full and therefore end up consuming less calories?

The higher the volume the fewer the calories vs the higher the calories the lower volume.. Rod explained this concept which is the premise behind his nutrition methodology.

Don't cheat on yourself! We explained why cheat days don’t work.

And finally, a brief reminder about the importance of advocating for your own health. Never leave it up to your doctor or any "professional" to figure out.

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