Let's say you love your workout and you're getting great results. 

Why do you soon find yourself thinking negative thoughts like, "the drive is a little far" or "the trainer isn't that fun" or "the timing is a bit inconvenient." 

Let's say you have a fantastic happy marriage. 

Why do you often find yourself focusing on small cons like, "he doesn't help with the dishes" or "he works too much." 

It's because your brain's job is to keep you safe in your familiar comfort zone! 

But success, progress and everything you want in life will not happen if you stay comfortable and complacent in your current situation.

Don't look for trouble where there is none. Practice gratitude every single day to overcome this tendency and avoid self sabotage. 

Remember that wherever you put your focus is whatever you'll get more of. If you're constantly thinking about what you lack, you'll attract more lack. If you're constantly thinking about joy and abundance, you'll get more of it! 

Positive change doesn’t come from comfort zones. 

If you are considering a new fitness program and you’re scared as hell, realize that your brain might just be trying to keep you safe and stuck in your comfort zone. Learn to tell the difference.

Next time you think about quitting something that's good for you, ask yourself, is this valid or is it fear/ self sabotage? Am I looking for trouble where there is none? And what other areas of your life can you benefit from this awareness?

The sooner you can get comfortable with being uncomfortable, the better off your will be.

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If you're interested in 1-on-1 coaching with Rod, or you'd like some personalized advice about which Rodsquad program is right for you, send us an email: [email protected]