You may ask “how can I ask God to forgive me and expect God to love me when I’ve done…X?”

Here’s the problem with that question…it assumes He hasn’t always loved you, and it assumes He hasn’t already forgiven you.
God’s love is unconditional. He loved you before you were born. He forgave you before you needed it.
Yeah, many of us have left Him but thankfully He has never left us. Now, God just wants you to come back home to Him.
You’ve heard Him calling your name your entire life through small whispers, large life altering events, and through that voice inside that you call you conscience.
Answer Him. Tell Him you’re ready to come home. Get in a solid community of believers and learn about who Jesus is and how He shows us to live.
Free yourself from the worry of ‘not good enough’ and accept that you’re more than enough because Christ has made you whole before God.
You’re worth it. Jesus thought so when He paid the price for everything you’ve done and will do. Aren’t you ready to stop carrying the weight alone?

“For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭100:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

#ValueDrivenCoach #LearnLiveLove #TheWay #Jesus #God #LoveWins #blessed #Inspiration #Motivation #Joy #Peace #housechurch #cometoJesus #GodLovesYou


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