Special Edition.... China Lied!! Could COVID-19 possibly be China's Revenge for the fair trade deal?
After all China does not recognize our curt system, nor do they abide by international laws! Therefore, China does whatever China wants!!
Did the Chinese know that this virus was being spread across the globe for weeks before they let its existence be known? Most likely YES they did!!!
Why are there so few cases in China compared to the rest of the world? Since this synthetic virus was actually created in China, it should have the most cases, especially in Wuhan... -FFT
Trump isn't a 'racist' he's a realist!!! And what's with the Media and the ignorance displayed by the Media?
Cease all Chinese held American companies, stop paying China and stop them from attending American Universities!!!

No American aid to foreign countries for at least 1 year!!!

#made in China #boycott China #China lied people died