Liz Lamere’s path to her debut album was not a direct one. She was actually a high powered Wall Street lawyer. But she wasn’t your typical high powered Wall Street lawyer. She was the only one with purple hair and a spike in her nose who played drums in a punk band. But she met Alan Vega and everything changed. The couple began working on Alan’s music together, raised a family, and toured the world. Liz talks about all of that; how Henry Rollins & Jared Artaud of The Vacant Lots had life changing impacts on her and Alan; the Vega Vault; and how she finally made the debut album like Alan always wanted. And did you know that she also managed professional boxers? She almost became one, herself. And she shares how boxing continues to have an effect on her music. Pick up Liz’s debut, Keep It Alive, on In The Red Records, give her a follow @lamereliz on Instagram and @liz_lamere on Twitter. If you’re not already, follow us @PerformanceAnx on both. Please consider supporting the show with a review wherever you listen of financially through or So let’s get ready to…wait I can’t say that. I’ll get sued. Enjoy Round One of Liz Lamere on Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network.