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Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 12pm Central Time - The 3 Steps to Reclaim Your Thyroid Health and Crush Your Fatigue w/out Crazy Dieting or Beating Yourself up at the Gym 


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I keep talking about root causes and underlying issues that affect how our thyroid functions. Today’s episode discusses my experience with nerding out on wearing a continuous glucose monitor and the black and white information found with regard to stress and blood sugar. This all taxes our bodies more and causes more stress which can affect how your thyroid functions, converts thyroid hormone and, therefore, can affect how you feel and function when stress and dysregulated blood sugar is left unchecked. It is time to start addressing how life situations can affect how you feel in addition to everyday stressors. Don’t discount them and understand how to work with things that get thrown at you. Start a mindfulness practice, work on sleep improvement, and take midday breaks. Change what you’re doing now that amplifies the stress that is coming your way.