In this episode, Tiffany talks with fellow cancer thriver, Cindy Rost, about what it takes to get through a scary diagnosis. This can apply to any diagnosis; not just cancer. She has a unique way of working with clients as they navigate their own health care journey.

Guest Intro:

Lucinda (Cindy) Rost, MA, specializing in Mind Body Medicine, Cancer, Digestive Imbalances and Emotional Resilience

She is the author of Awakened by Cancer: Learning the ABCs to Healing. She is the owner/operator of Unique Body Balance Wholeness Center in Sierra Vista, Arizona. She promotes self-empowerment and self-healing through education and self-awareness involving the mind, body and spirit. As a cancer thriver, she learned and applied certain tools that enabled her to overcome the rife of a cancer diagnosis. Studies have indicated certain characteristics that are common in cancer survivors. Through her story, she reveals aspects of her personality that offered me strength and courage to overcome the challenges that come with any health scare. She emphasizes that it is not the event or diagnosis that is important, but the response to the event/diagnosis that will determine our outcome. Through her academic and experiential learning, she helps others to handle any health and emotional challenge in her life. Her new podcast, "Getting Thru Cancer with Courage," is now featured on Apple iTunes.

Email:  [email protected]

Website:  [email protected]

Phone:  520.678.0101


Online Booking:  [email protected]

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