Hello mates. I’m Jack, and I’m Kenny, and welcome to ‘Rock & Roll Up: The Music and Wrestling Podcast’.

Here you’ll find our weekly music and wrestling podcasts, with our signature wacky comedy twist. So wacky.

Expect, news, special episodes, controversial hot takes, and comedy features such as Kenny’s Rant, Jacks Joke of the Week, and of course, Pun Association.

Musical fruit? John Lemon. So wacky.

So like, comment, share, subscribe, you can find us on Spotify, iTunes, Youtube, Stitcher and Soundcloud.

Get involved with the conversation @RockRollUpPod on Twitter and @RockAndRollUpPodcast on Facebook and Instagram

Are you ready to step inside the ring with two heavyweights?

Peace out. Big time

Hello mates. I’m Jack, and I’m Kenny, and welcome to ‘Rock & Roll Up: The Music and Wrestling Podcast’.
Here you’ll find our weekly music and wrestling podcasts, with our signature wacky comedy twist. So wacky!

Expect, news, special episodes, controversial hot takes, and comedy features such as Kenny’s Rant, Jacks Joke of the Week, and of course, pun association.

Musical fruit? John Lemon. So wacky!

So like, comment, share, subscribe, you can find us on Spotify, iTunes, Youtube, Stitcher and Soundcloud.

Get involved with the conversation @RockRollUpPod on Twitter and @RockAndRollUpPodcast on Facebook and Instagram 

Are you ready to step inside the ring with two heavyweights?!

Peace out. Big time

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