Today on the podcast we listen in to the latest 1 Million Cups Rochester (virtual) meetup. This month the community welcomed local entrepreneur Nate Nordstrom to talk about the web-based application RochStrong. RochStrong is a collaboration between Rochester-based BrandHoot and Collider Foundation to provide one, quick solution to help spread and amplify ways to support local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The app launched on March 20th to share ways to eat, shop, donate, and “do” to support Rochester businesses. Listen in to the podcast today to learn the backstory of the app and current challenges it’s facing to support the community. Join us next month at 1 Million Cups Rochester on May 6th as we hear from Roasted Bliss and TerraLoco.

Links from today’s podcast:

1 Million Cups Rochester

Music Attribution: Jane Fonda by The Grand Affair is licensed through the YouTube Audio Library.

Today on the podcast we listen in to the latest 1 Million Cups Rochester (virtual) meetup. This month the community welcomed local entrepreneur Nate Nordstrom to talk about the web-based application RochStrong. RochStrong is a collaboration between Rochester-based BrandHoot and Collider Foundation to provide one, quick solution to help spread and amplify ways to support local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The app launched on March 20th to share ways to eat, shop, donate, and “do” to support Rochester businesses. Listen in to the podcast today to learn the backstory of the app and current challenges it’s facing to support the community. Join us next month at 1 Million Cups Rochester on May 6th as we hear from Roasted Bliss and TerraLoco.


Links from today’s podcast:




1 Million Cups Rochester



Music Attribution: Jane Fonda by The Grand Affair is licensed through the YouTube Audio Library.