Today on the podcast we sit down with local entrepreneur, licensed realtor, and real estate investor Zoey Jantsan to discuss customer relationships and how to recognize when it’s time to cut ties. On the show today, we talk about:

o How Zoey manages her customer relationships, especially with the long-term clients she sees in real estate.
o How she turns leads into clients.
o Zoey’s methods to keep in touch with clients including texting, emailing, and calling, which she finds a natural fit. She also does “old school stuff” like sending handwritten notes to clients.
o How to recognize when a point is reached in a customer relationship when it’s clear both parties needs are not being met.
o We talk about how Zoey tried to acquire “any and every” client in the beginning phase of her business.
o She explained how, later on, she learned to perform a risk assessment of her time to decide if what she could give would meet a particular customer’s needs.
o The value of prioritizing what you do in your business and how this also affects your personal life.
o How to personally move on and pick yourself up after a “failed” customer relationship.
o We talk about the value in setting expectations early on in the customer relationship.
o Zoey chatted about past experiences that helped her understand what processes and procedures she needed to have in place in her business to establish better expectations with her clients.

You can find out more about Zoey on the web at, on Facebook @CharlieandZoey, and on Instagram @charlieandzoey_realtors.

Today on the podcast we sit down with local entrepreneur, licensed realtor, and real estate investor Zoey Jantsan to discuss customer relationships and how to recognize when it’s time to cut ties. On the show today, we talk about:


o   How Zoey manages her customer relationships, especially with the long-term clients she sees in real estate.

o   How she turns leads into clients.

o   Zoey’s methods to keep in touch with clients including texting, emailing, and calling, which she finds a natural fit. She also does “old school stuff” like sending handwritten notes to clients.

o   How to recognize when a point is reached in a customer relationship when it’s clear both parties needs are not being met.

o   We talk about how Zoey tried to acquire “any and every” client in the beginning phase of her business.

o   She explained how, later on, she learned to perform a risk assessment of her time to decide if what she could give would meet a particular customer’s needs.

o   The value of prioritizing what you do in your business and how this also affects your personal life.

o   How to personally move on and pick yourself up after a “failed” customer relationship.

o   We talk about the value in setting expectations early on in the customer relationship.

o   Zoey chatted about past experiences that helped her understand what processes and procedures she needed to have in place in her business to establish better expectations with her clients.


You can find out more about Zoey on the web at, on Facebook @CharlieandZoey, and on Instagram @charlieandzoey_realtors.