The latest open discussion kicks off with Greg recounting his busy comic event-filled week: Vivek Tiwary at the Library of Congress, Rep. John Lewis and Andrew Aydin at the National Press Club, and Scott Snyder at Third Eye Comics! That last one includes a cast of over 1,100 people, 32 degrees (fahrenheit), and a pizza (it'll make sense in the episode; trust me). Mike follows that up with some Dan DeCarlo love and things slide into talk of influences, original art, Lost Art Books, Dan Smith, Erik Larsen, the collegiality of comics versus other media, and a whole lot more.

Robots From Tomorrow is a weekly comics podcast recorded deep beneath the Earth’s surface. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed at You can also follow Mike and Greg on Twitter. This episode is brought to you by Third Eye Comics. Enjoy your funny books.

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