The lads are back from New York Comic Con and ready to bring you, the listener, the inside scoop on one of the largest comic conventions in the country! And not without personal risk, as Mike battles through a delayed “con crud” reaction that Greg managed to somehow avoid (possibly due to his junk-food-fortified constitution).

But that won’t stop you from getting to hear about the Image/ Multiversity party, talking with industry giant Mike Richardson, just where the hell the DC booth was (spoiler: not at NYCC), how to plan your activities effectively, and so many other things. Shouts are outed, and news items from IDW, Archie, Dark Horse, DC, and Marvel are discussed.

Couldn’t make it to the show? Spend an hour with us and you’ll feel like you were there all four days (without the “con crud”)!

Robots From Tomorrow is a weekly comics podcast recorded deep beneath the Earth’s surface. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed at You can also follow Mike and Greg on Twitter. Music is John Hughes by Anamanaguchi. Enjoy your funny books.

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