Previous Episode: Eps 267. The Toy Box Killer.
Next Episode: Eps 269. Galaxies

The Radium girls worked as dial painters from the 1920’s to the 1940’s. They used a radioactive paint called undark, the girls ingested the paint via licking the brushes which slowly poisoned them turning their bones to honeycomb, jaws to mush, and made their bodies glow in the dark! Many lost their lives, others went up against the companies in an effort to have the paint banned!
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The Radium girls worked as dial painters from the 1920’s to the 1940’s. They used a radioactive paint called undark, the girls ingested the paint via licking the brushes which slowly poisoned them turning their bones to honeycomb, jaws to mush, and made their bodies glow in the dark! Many lost their lives, others went up against the companies in an effort to have the paint banned! FB/IG @robotsforeyespodcast Code robots for 10% off