2% of people do this when moving house... The guys embarrassed themselves at the Ooredoo Iftar... Why Robin & Jish are where they are in their careers... the guy who is going to a job interview and keeps Whatsapping... the tooth fairy has learned it's lesson... the temperature was only 32 bit... Robin and George apologise BEFORE the event (just in case)... Robin on rap music... the new DISGUSTING fashion for men... George and the new interview technique... Chris Fisher from Merge broke his promise, so he gets called LIVE!!!... how much does your meanest friend HATE you...George's water therapy advice... Jish has George's back and he time travels.... why George is going to be a brilliant mum... what George and the majority of ladies have been getting wrong... what the American woman said about the show... and a few other bits we added in for good luck but you don't care because you'd be an IDIOT reading down this far, in fact if you have read down this far then send us a whatsapp message on +96879010959 and we will sort you out an AMAZING prize. Bet no one Whatsapps in!!!