How men can get more dates... the caller who can't use a phone... George tries to blag a free phone as she ruined hers... the guys give 'evils' to a passerby... what answer would you record to play to people when you get asked the same old question... Chris Birks hijacked a listener from the guys and did a video intro for his school project... they're still on about this video intro thing... they get hold of the listener in the end about the DAMN VIDEO INTRO!!!!... scrabble & showering... Robin proves he has a 'friend'... Mexican midget wrestling... Megan Markle's accent and news on her sister... George calls a loser back... a wonderful love story... the GREAT new invention for your commute... men spend 7 hours a year doing what?!! George has no food... Hot Cheetos sends rapper to hospital... a guy calls but doesn't get put through to Robin & George... fake news about those two Russian tourists... BLAH BLAH BLAH OBVIOUSLY YOU STOPPED READING MANY MANYWORDS AGO... in a galaxy far, far away...