Jonny stole a present that was for Robin…
how old is the internet?...
Mercury is in retrograde…
Jonny realizes it's April Fool’s Day…
jobs that are most likely to make someone a relationship cheat…
how the sperm whale saved it's young against a killer whale…
why Jonny was annoyed that he was recognized…
a listener comes in to ask for a job…
the CEO of Boeing is stepping down…
the emojis that confuse older people…
the world’s richest cat…
Robin has 2 sentences to use to get your child to always tell the truth…
Robin questions where Jonny gets his show material from…
Jonny’s sound financial advice…
the most relaxing sounds…
why this teacher was fired…
why it's important stretch…
Will Smith says this doesn't make him happier anymore…
what age group is most optimistic…
you'll feel older if you do this…
cojoined twin that got married…
the guys get all technical and start messing with the audio…
teacher’s genius way of catching cheats…
is this guy a psycho or the best dad ever?…
Robin’s infuriating etiquette question…
have song lyrics got dumber…
the last time Robin read a book…