Facebook privacy concerns... what emoji is fading out favour completely?.. April Fool's day pranks... Robin's daughter's card for RB's birthday... Robin's scammer... George's restaurant story... painting the Eiffel tower... Lindsay Lohan's new job... Ed Sheeran has beef... Wafa from Hala comes in and she misses the guys... Brad and Jen gossip... really dumb excuses for being late for work... George steals from Dhofar Automotive... Robin orders fries... should we all just delete Facebook... the worst things to wear on a date... what to do on a 17 hour flight... Shatha & Quasi from Hala come in about their broken studio... an email to the show about doing a 'Ryland'... a guy robs a bank with a note... Robin will NEVER be a detective... what makes us happiest in our day... AND MORE COBBLED TOGETHER RUBBISH.