Tim Westwood is smooth... another George Ryland holiday destination... Robin's friend stole his wallet... George gets filthy... George's physio's daughter is called for PART PAYMENT... will your dog eat you if you die?.. George's dreadlocks... guy calls from outside the window... 10 year old disses George... Robin's wife is to blame for his rotundness.. the Nigerian man and George and RB are his only friends... the one word to stop an argument... Robin's new shorts... Transformers box office fail... a new aftershave for men... the guys are amazed by flamingos... pocket dialled by kids... George's new life goal and her AWESOME swallowing... Gay Byrne & Man Bun Ken... the guy who doesn't listen to the show... and MAYBE a few more bits, who knows, it's not like you're counting all these bits right???