Someone has a first parent teacher meeting... do listeners want to hear MMMMM Bop??... what's the worlds oldest colour?... George moans about air con... a car security tip... the latest dumb jeans fashion... mo' money LESS problems??... the girl who knows her "vegan"... how NOT to give a present... Roseanne Barr calls in... guy wants to know when it will rain (gets put through to Hi FM's Weather Department)... what the driver of the car that crashed into George Clooney is blaming... beautiful overheard chat with parents talking to their baby... caller says bad word 'cause he didn't know he is live!!... Robin's new Netflix movie... how much is your Instagram worth??... George does something she knew she shouldn't of!!... what is is "old"?... AND MAYBE SOME MORE BIT THAT I HAVEN'T SEEN ON THIS BIT OF PAPER THAT HAS ALL THE BITS WRITTEN DOWN, WHO FREEKIN KNOWS????