Robin gives Jonny grief about his TERRIBLE white trousers... Robin watched the Matrix trilogy... the guys have beef with Rachel from the afternoon show... Billie Eilish has stopped reading tweets.... what lies have you told your children... Robin's tips for a stress free work place... Jonny has a demolition story... Bernie and Trump gag... the guys play the LAMEST GAME ON THE RADIO!!... Jonny's realistic new year's resolutions... Kylie Jenner's daughter has hoop earrings... Robin's hack for eating spaghetti... etiquette tips for children from the 15th century... Teenage Bond bit... revenge on gold digger... Jonny's awful joke about the Danish navy... a girl calls with an even worse joke about Tommy Hilfiger... who is smarter, you or your partner?... Jonny got his car stuck in a wadi.... the guys ring Rachel Chew and give her grief!!.... Robin has audio and Jonny has zero idea what is going on (as usual!!!) AND MORE... PROBABLY. :)