Jonny reckons he's never taken a bribe, but Robin reminds him when he did…
men are better at directions…
Robin met a big fan, but it didn't go quite to plan…
what's been found in the Amazon Rainforest…
Jonny running on the spot…
which big personality Robin will get his hair cut like…
Robin and Jonny test their professionalism…
Jonny recorded Rachel Chew to find out why she was sad in the office?
what leads to a weaker memory?...
should you trust old people when they say the weather is changing?…
do you push or pull a door first?…
can money buy happiness?...
someone said Jonny is “astounding”…
you won't believe the stuff that's been left on the moon…
Calm Larry says absolutely nothing…
Robin applauds Jonny's carefully crafted joke…
is eating healthy a hobby?…
the fascinating reason why tennis balls are yellow (or are they green??)…
what does space smell like?...
Is Jonny using his Christmas present from Robin…
Jonny's passive aggressive note he received for rubbish parking…
Robin tells a joke no one should laugh at… but Jonny does…
does my bum look big in this?...
and what laptops and keyboards really need…
red flags to watch out for when you visit someone’s house…
Calm Larry tells some jokes…
This puzzle turns 50 this year…
the top confidence boosters for men and women…
smelling a woman’s what makes men less aggressive?…