How long did Robin last on his 90-day fitness programme?... Jonny chats about dreams in lockdown... Calm Larry's guide to starting the day calm... the pooh on the bed story... where has Ricky Martin been in lockdown?... 5 Random facts, but are they really facts??... Robin has a message for all the people who don't like wearing masks... doctors have transplanted organs from pigs to monkeys... ways your office life will change in the future... Jonny has a REALLY embarrassing story... Katy Perry is scared of childbirth... Robin apologises for something on the show... Kanye had his first political rally... the animal specifically designed for 2020... Calm Larry has a rude neighbour... walking this many steps and you'll lose weight... the man who was bit a seagull... Robin can't believe how long Jonny's hair has got... famous Twitter accounts got hacked... Jonny does a shout out for a dog... Disney's way of enforcing face-mask wearing... Calm Larry's wife saw a cockroach... Jonny's truly amazing fact (but is it though?? IS ITTTT???)... Carole Baskin raps to 50 Cent... Jonny's top tips for having more energy... the top ways parents have bonded with their kids in lockdown... Robin and Jonny reminisce with some old audio of Jonny making a fool of himself from YEARS ago... Calm Larry is lazy... how Robin says "hello" in a face mask... the top 5 ways to improve your intelligence... DUHHH WHTTTSSSSSZZZ THTTTT THEENNNN???