Robin's 5 year old has a question... George blanks the Hi FM CEO... RB dislikes a person who messages... Robin's Game of Thrones episode 6 review (song)... guy who wants us to contact the love of his life... Japanese monkey Rock, Paper, Scissors... Engineer Jish' gets his only fan's name wrong... Robin sends the evening presenter audio of George saying she fancied him... George has started training at the Crowne Plaza... the "what we look like" caller... George needs boxes... RB crosses the line... George has beef with another Hi FM presenter... Boring Mehrez has some show tips... Forbes most influential young people... the Hormuz Grand gets called... being used as a fat example... George asks Robin for a favour... Robin sorts something out for George... George's worst radio job... how to improve your marriage... Hi FM's drive-time presenter breaks Robin's prized possession... and a LOAD more!!!