Why Robin wasn't let into a hospital... what moment has broken you in lockdown?... Robin has a hilarious joke about Ikea in Oman... the guys talk about their home studios... good news surrounding the Coronavirus... Why is Calm Larry very angry at Robin and Jonny?... Jonny had a second virtual date... Top Gear is going back into production... Kanye West's ex-bodyguard proves Kanye is a diva... top 5 things Jonny has learnt during self-isolation... how much Amazon makes per second... the guys salute all the teachers... the new trend with cucumbers... Jonny's ridiculous solution to global warming... the boys have got some radio 'competition'... Jonny isn't happy with the Tinder update... the latest trend hitting socials... the two very distressing things that happened to Robin... Robin's wife cut his hair... Calm Larry watched Back to the Future... one-third of people have been doing what from home?... the definitive sign that people have completely lost their minds in isolation... there's a guy actually living in an airport... the guys argue over a joke about Shanghai Disneyland re-opening... Jonny plays some stuff on the guitar... good news surrounding the Coronavirus... Tom Cruise is going into space... the Quarantine Parodies that never made the cut AND MORE!!!!