Story about the guy who turns up at a radio station and the police get involved... Kathy Douglas slags off Merge and 90.4... Robin has found a new aftershave... RB sorts George out with her new boyfriend... mosquitos... Boring Mehrez and his new Twitter handle... Robin's wife hassles him about Facebook... farts bring a plane down... Game of Thrones is back... George says "Metal Ring" - they laugh... memes for fatties... the new toothbrush for lazy people... George goes to Bank Muscat and proves she is useless... Merge breakfast host Tom Green's broadcasting secrets revealed... guy compares the show to other stations... George's candle safety tips... number 1 thing to do on holidays... girl who was waiting for a request... Robin is George's only friend (awwwwwwwwww)... Robin is now officially responsible... and more stuff to make you shout "WHHYYYY" out really loud!