The songs Jonny doesn't hear properly (and doesn't know an artist's name!!)... Robin heard something rustling in his takeaway delivery bag... why Facebook uses the colour blue... Robin sends Jonny a very weird message... David Attenborough has joined Instagram... are you a good husband or wife by 1939's standards?... the Hi FM Morning Show reaches a new low as Robin's doorbell goes mid link, his daughter walks in and he has a leaky roof (WHATTTT?)... Jonny has been seeing a girl for a few weeks and he is giving up making an 'effort'... Robin tells a sexist joke but Jonny the feminist is having none of it... fans of what might be better at handling the pandemic?... Jonny has been doing the show topless... Calm Larry is going bald... some good news from this otherwise awful year of 2020... Jonny broke the Matrix... what actor has released a debut song... Jonny wants to put his place on Airbnb... Amazon is updating Alexa... Jonny can't say the word "uninhabitable"... the town called Asbestos... Calm Larry has an argument with his wife about going on holiday... Kanye wants to help Taylor Swift get her recordings back... the top things we overthink... the guys chat about a 'Caption This' picture of Jonny which is on the Hi FM socials... the socially distanced football team... Evil Knievel's son is suing Pixar... Calm Larry sued an airline... Jonny shares his opinion on the possibility of Tom Hardy becoming the next James Bond... Michael Jackson's cousin is selling a blood-stained IV Drip... MMMMMMM YEAH WE BOUGHT THAT AS A GIVEAWAY LATER!!