Trump & Macron... George has some tips for Robin's upcoming holiday to Lebanon with Ceasar... the biggest turn-offs in dating messaging... even the phone company wants Boring Mehrez to hurry up... the guys speak to a load of people who have never called the show before... Eurovision chatter... George is gutted that someone special doesn't seem to know her at all... a guy calls with a message for his wife... what's a Millenials' favourite tv show?... Quasi from Hala FM has money problems... a woman calls who actually LIKES the guys... the hot new fashion trend from...erm...Ikea...
Uranus stinks... International Honesty Day... Kim Kardashian's new perfume... Macualey Culkin doesn't want to the face... why George's school banned the annual dance... the Park Inn gym... more Netflix original content is on the way...
for you if you're a stressed out student... AND MAYBE SOME MORE WHO FREEKIN KNOWS???