The secret to Robin's marriage... what Robin is doing to the other Robin Banks... Crazy Ali who owns Lino's Coffee, Muscat... bromance chatter... guy who just loves the show calls... George drills holes in the studio... the guys have a drink named after them... George kicked out of the Park Inn... AOL discontinues it's messenger service... Engineer Jish's brother talk... man who lived in the woods for 10 years... Red Bull Drift winner's mummy (awwwwwwwww)... people are only going places to do this... why Robin had to go round to George's house... man crosses 1 thing off his bucket list... alternative names for body parts... Chris Birks gets an awkward message... George gets a Women's Day gift... George is upset over a video description... accent talk and Home and Away singing (!!???)... that's about all I can write, I'm spent. Enjoy, or don't... bothered????????? ;)