Christmas tree chat and when's too early to put it up?... the Hala FM dude gets abuse because he's a pro... plastic bag fashion... adulting chat... Robin's pet hate... the great riddle quiz... guy messages the wrong station, blames his wife!!... pulling the shower curtain back... psycho listeners... girl calls in about what 'normal' is... Yahoo's apology gag... Robin & George have a staring competition (GREAT radio!!??)... 14 year olds and messaging... how did a man get out of police interrogation... the key to happiness... why is it difficult to swat a fly??... Wolfman Jack calls... the podcast Got Money winner... dude wants the guys to help him with wedding anniversary ideas... useless stuff for the bathroom... word of the year... Robin sings about Christmas... most dangerous occupation... 1st time caller.... Muscat daily advert... men on the toilet... George is cheap... and possibly some other random shizz that I have forgotten to put in...