Big pants news... Hi FM went to Kath's Quiz... a new dinosaur... Tea Paul has some presents for the guys... weird reason Robin loves his dog... George's VERY sad story... guy calls up because he heard the sad story... it's FREEEEEEEEZING!!!!... RB and GR were invited to Bank Muscat's swanky do... Secret Santa chat... Hi FM had they're Christmas party... George was taking a photo of her horoscope... lovely engagement story... guy comes in who loves Oman... will George be a ring-girl at a fighting event?... the perfect engineered Christmas song... Robin loves tarts... Robin and George chat about wearing pyjamas in the daytime... the word "llama"... single guy robs married guy... George bought HERSELF a present... a message from your Christmas tree... the woman who wanted to end it all... wow we're ending on a real downer there with that last bit!!!!! Who outs this together eh????