This episode I am an Englishman in WALL STREET. Tariq Fancy is on a mission to create a ‘true’ Green Economy. As the former first Head of Sustainable Development at the mighty BlackRock, he now believes that sustainable investment is largely made up of empty P.R. statements with more expensive administration fees, rather than help the world go green, the investments just keep the status quo. That he thinks is “dishonest!” 

He is also the founder of the amazing non-profit foundation Rumie a mobile first play to learn for kids, but stuff you don’t learn at school, like how to get a mortgage, how do I stay friends, long distance, how to make a TikTok resume.

Check out Rumie here:

Follow Tariq on Instagram here: @sosofancy

Find out more about Rob Goldstone:

Listen to Is An Englishman In .. on Podcast Radio here: