Teresa Lancaster, Esq. Teresa Lancaster is an Attorney and Advocate for victims of childhood sexual abuse who was featured in The Keepers, a seven-part award winning documentary on Netflix. You may know Teresa from the Doe/Roe against Father A. Joseph Maskell case where she sought to expose the sexual abuse which occurred at Archbishop Keough High School while she was a student there. Teresa went on to join SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) where she helped and continues to help other victims of child sexual abuse. She spearheaded efforts to pass the Hidden Predator Act in Maryland. This act removes the statue of limitations on child sexual abuse cases and allowed for a two year window for those whose cases were previously overruled to seek justice. Teresa currently works with Joanne Suder at the Suder Law Firm P.A. in Baltimore, Maryland representing survivors of child sexual abuse.