In this episode I’m talking with AUDREY MORRISSEY, a sex trafficked BIPOC child now adult survivor who says she was sold 10-20 times a day. “I’ve  been beaten, tortured, and left for dead.” 

"I thought I was going to die in the combat zone of sex traffickers.

Her traffickers would use words like “Young. Fresh."

It’s not like the blockbuster movie, “Taken”, where a pair of unwitting girls travel to Paris, and make every parent cringe by giving men they just met their address, and confirmation that they’re traveling alone. They’re abducted, and Liam Neeson saves the day and his daughter. However, for the hundreds of thousands of children that are sex trafficked, there’s no one coming to save the day.

 “Taken” is not what sex trafficking looks like in America. In most cases, our stereotypical perception of a “prostitute” is, in reality, a commercially sex trafficked victim,” say Morrissey.

It  is a multi-billion-dollar industry, and our children are being sold on a large scale. The sex trafficking industry makes more profit from sex trafficking than any other illegal trafficking in drugs or weapons. 

Morrissey says “People don't understand this is happening right here in the United States."

Her fervent conviction is that no child should be bought or sold.

“Image sex with someone you love, but you have to have sex with them 10-20 times per day."

If you can’t have sex with someone you love 10-20 times a day, how can you want to have sex with strangers 10-20 a day?”

"I never once in my life, when I was a kid, said 'When I grow up, I want to be a prostitute.'" 

Listeners, Please Note:  Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.
 Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice.  For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at

 Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.
