“Escape into something you made with your own hands that is genuinely beautiful and put that out into the world.” – Christy Sears

Episode 005: Christy Sears and August Axel Jewelry Studio

In this episode, Jennifer interviews Owner, Senior Soldering Instructor, designer & fabricator at August Axel Jewelry Studio, Christy Sears.

“There has been a lot of self-doubt, a lot of fear and loathing plus high moments… all mixed in together along the road to redefining ‘What is success? What is my success right now in this very moment?’” – Christy Sears

Highlights from this Episode          

From advertising to beading to metal smithing to teaching  (3:00)

Left brain/right brain integration – the struggle of thinking creatively in an account management role in the advertising industry (6:50)   How Christy named her business after her dead cat and a particular experience in college (11:33)   The big move from Texas to LA, working in direct mail for Honda, why she stayed in that job for 13-14 years, and how she eventually got“the cosmic boot” (14:30)   The doubt and fear that crept in while trying to “make it work” after being laid off from advertising (19:05)   The paradox of working so you can pay someone to raise your kids while they have kids of their own to raise and on finally leaving her corporate job to start her own business and have more time with her children (21:00)   Teaching vs making — what’s more satisfying? (27:30)   The blessing and the curse, the sacrifice and cost of being multi-passionate and following many interests — redefining success (29:50)   Creating a learning path & business model so that you don’t end up with a bunch of “torch-weilding frustrated artists” (31:30)   Self-limiting beliefs & how to deal with them (33:22)   Biggest teaching moment in Christy’s life (34:45)   Learning to ask for help (36:55)   Pushing herself every day — not confusing motion with progress (37:26)   Appreciation for her husband and family (38:15)   Getting stabbed in the back and wishing she had had more mentorship (38:50)   Christy’s advice for people who are just starting out on their career path (40:35)  

How you can connect with Christy Sears and August Axel Jewelry Studio:

August Axel Website


If you have any comments and suggestions for future episodes, questions you would like to ask, people you would like Jennifer to interview, find Jennifer Gardner on Twitter @jenbgardner or on Facebook @roamhowl. Email her at [email protected]. Find her at www.jgardnerassociates.com, where you can read about her approach to practicing law.  Jennifer would love to hear from you!

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