Legal problems are not an uncommon thing with investors. This makes an asset protection plan a must-have for businesses and investors alike. And that is why Royal Legal Solutions was founded.

In this podcast, Elena talks to Royal Legal Solutions’ CEO, Scott Royal Smith.

Scott Royal Smith is a real estate investor and asset protection attorney in Austin, Texas. Becoming an entrepreneur while still in law school, he is now the Founder and CEO of Royal Legal Solutions.

In this episode, Scott talks about how he became an entrepreneur to pay for law school and the challenges he faced when he was starting.

Also, Scott talks about how Royal Legal works and how they help their clients’ assets and investments.

Lastly, Scott shares his best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.


What You Will Learn From This Episode

- Scott talks about how he became an entrepreneur while still in law school and where he draws his passion for the work that they are doing at Royal Legal Solutions.

- How Royal Legal Solutions helps their clients and why Scott considers this as his  greatest experience in being an entrepreneur.

- How to start with being an entrepreneur and how investing is the easiest way to get there.

- Scott explains why most businesses fail and how this can be avoided.

- Why listening is a very important skill to have for success.

- Scott shares advice about enjoying what you are doing in life and keeping the passion.

- Scott talks about his future plans and his upcoming projects.

Connect with Scott

Scott Royal Smith on LinkedIn

Royal Legal Solutions

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