Welcome to Roadcase, a podcast exploring the live music experience!!  Join us for this informative chat with Lincoln Foley Schofield. Lincoln is a musician, talent booker, promoter and also the founder of SHOWX, a "social media for musicians platform."  SHOWX  allows performers and artists to book their own shows, sell their own tickets and route their own tours in a collaborative manner -- and most importantly, to retain the emails of those that purchase tickets. Lincoln, who formerly promoted shows at SOBs in New York City and was the talent buyer at The Cutting Room, brings a vast amount of experience in live show booking and promoting to his current role.  We talk about the show booking industry and how the SHOWX app can help empower artists to become more successful and self-sufficient.  So hop on the Roadcase bus for this hip and timely interview with Lincoln Foley Schofield of SHOWX.  It's a great ride!!

For more information: https://linktr.ee/roadcasepod and https://www.roadcasepod.com

Contact: [email protected]

Theme music:  "Eugene" (Instrumental)" by Waltzer