What's up and welcome to the Fitness Business Foundations Podcast!  Today I am bringing you a Friday solo-episode!

What is today's topic? How building your business on ego will send you down the wrong path and cause you to lose your identity.

Are you focused on how many members you have because it sounds good? How about how big your space its or the equipment you have to look impressive?  Then you need to hear this message!

At the end of the day you are in business to not only impact people in a positive way but to make money to provide freedom and options for you and your family.  You can't do that if you are building a business on your ego.

Are you interested in learning more about my mentorship program? Do you want to learn how to make what you have already more profitable to give you a better lifestyle? Then let's hop on a call and see if this is a good fit.  Go ahead and book your call below and I look forward to talking with you soon!

Book Your Connection Call With Justin