In this episode, Ian talks to William O'Neill, the UN's designated expert on the human rights situation in Haiti. In the context of the escalating and untrammelled gang violence in Haiti, and the unprecedented security and human rights crisis, O'Neill explains how the multilateral system is responding. How will the multinational police mission led by Kenya work? What are the human rights priorities? And what effect with targeted sanctions have?


Ian Tennant, Head of Vienna Multilateral Representation & Resilience Fund, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime


William O'Neill, the United Nations designated expert on the human rights situation in Haiti.

Additional Links

Illicit economies and the UN Security Council

Haiti Country Profile

(GI Paper) Gangs of Haiti: Expansion, power and an escalating crisis

(GI paper) Gang control and security vacuums: Assessing gender-based violence in Cité Soleil, Haiti

(GI Blog) New sanctions target Haiti gangsters

Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime

The Global Organized Crime Index

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