In this episode of the Road To Growth podcast, we are pleased to introduce you to Paul Garcin. Paul is the Co-founder of The Untapped Real Estate Market. Before that he had sold out inventory in a variety different fields from industrial excavators to V8-powered muscle cars, hedge fund services to movies tickets, premium French wine & Champagne to BBQs. 

Here is why: He is a number fanatic and loves diving into Automation and Data Mining. After graduating with a B.Sc. Math and MSc in Information Systems at 21, he worked in different places in the world. He has lowered the manufacturing costs of a nano-sized semiconductors fab plant, revamped the data management platform of a Fortune 500 company and set up a monitoring platform for nuclear power plants in France. His focus has now shifted to helping mortgage brokers generate a steady flow of high quality leads, with high loan amounts. 

Learn more and connect with Paul Garcin by visiting him

on Website:

on Instagram:

on Facebook: @paul.grc.3


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