After serving almost six years in the Army, Darren Smith has spent the last eighteen years as a professional real estate investor. He has flipped, rented, and wholesaled hundreds of residential properties, and in recent years has purchased several million dollars of industrial properties as long-term holds. Darren’s greatest achievement has been to surround himself with an incredible team of industry and military veterans who are every bit as passionate about helping people as he is. His biggest supporters are his wife Lauren and his son Henry.

In This Episode We Cover:

What is the best way to market for commercial real estate properties to purchase?The incredible story of how he earned a $500,000 wholesale fee on one propertyWhy your marketing focus should be narrow and deep, not wide and shallowWhy you should analyze every deal that you come across at the beginning of your real estate journeyAnd much more!

Books and Resources Mentioned:

The Road to Family Freedom: roadtofamilyfreedom.comWebsite: solidgrowthproperties.comEmail: [email protected]Resource: moo.comResource: OpenLetterMarketing.comResource: REISift.ioResource:

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