Live music venue operators say urban intensification is sounding the death knell for their sector. As more and more people move into apartments and other developments in our urban centres - tension over noise is rising with existing local live performance venues. The Dunedin City Council has recently approved an application for apartments to built next to the Crown Hotel, one of the city's few live music venues, but after a backlash from music fans, has agreed to review planning rules around inner-city noise. David Bennett is spokesperson for the group Save Dunedin Live Music - he says the Crown is a vital part of Dunedin's music scene, and the birthplace of many important bands. He says his group is not trying to stop the development of dwellings in the inner city, but wants them planned well and done right. David speaks with Kathryn Ryan, along with Dunedin Mayor Aaron Hawkins, and Taylor MacGregor from the group Save our Venues NZ.