Author Laura Bates has investigated the corners of the internet where toxic masculinity and misogyny is flourishing, where men believe women are the enemy and the solution should be violent. Posing as a 24-year -old white man who'd never had a girlfriend, she researched online forums devoted to various men's groups: the Men's Rights Activists, Men Going Their Own Way and Incels - Involuntary Celibates. Laura's work on this subject really began in 2012 when she founded the Everyday Sexism project, where women could detail their experiences. It unleashed a torrent of abuse - rape and death threats - which redoubles every time she appears in the media or at speaking events. She's just published a new book called Men Who Hate Women, which looks at how "trolling" is anything but benign, there are substantial numbers of men in these groups and the hate feeding them can have real world consequences.