As Omicron infections escalate, so is concern from Pasifika outreach organisations about whether Government and public health initiatives endorsing home isolation, and community care are going to keep Covid positive people, who live in large households, safe. Some hospitals services are strained, and then there's the sobering figure from Auckland's Middlemore hospital, that one in 10 patients presenting to the Emergency Department are testing positive for Covid. The hospital serves the South Auckland community which has many multi-generational family households. Kathryn talks to Counties Manukau DHB Chief Medical Officer Dr Andrew Connolly, Pacific healthcare provider South Seas Healthcare Trust CEO Lemalu Silao Vaisola Sefo and to Dr Debbie Sorensen, who is the chief executive of the Pasifika Medical Association and she is also at the helm of Pasifika Futures, which is a Whanau Ora commissioning agency.