Katie Wells of WellnessMama.com sits down with Coach Coop to give you answers on how to make getting results simple, how managing your stress will help you get better results, the importance of nutrient density inc. electrolyte intake, why you need more sunlight, how your cosmetics may be harming your health, and more practical health tips the whole family can get started with.


How Katie's path of reclaiming her health and fitness from a chronic disease lead to her creating Wellness Mama, one of the leading sources of simple health and fitness information.

How mindset, stress management, and healing from trauma is critical for improving your health and fitness.

Why you need to be getting more sunlight.

The importance of electrolytes for staying healthy, fit, and active.

How to be appropriately flexible with your diet without sabotaging your progress

Takes on ketogenic eating, ketones, and ancestral eating.

Simple things we could all be doing to improve our environment and home to boost our progress.

How your makeup and cosmetics may be harming your health

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