“If your heart turns away and you do not listen and you are led astray to bow down to other gods and worship them, I tell you today that you will certainly perish.”  Deuteronomy 30:17-18

“Anything that takes the place of your first love for God can be a false god or an idol of the heart,” (Claude King).  My brothers and sisters, as we prepare to worship the Lord this Sunday in our Sacred Assembly and 7th Anniversary Celebration, I want to ask you:  Have you lost your first love for God?  Have you replaced your once strong and passionate commitment to Jesus and His church with some other action, or person, or job, or service?  It’s easy to lose our way.  People stray away from God’s will and His future for them quickly.  But the Lord warns us in His Word through Ezekiel 14:3 …that we can put stumbling blocks in our own way, and in Matthew 22:37 ….that all our love should go to God, and in Revelation 2:4-5 ….that when we leave our first love, if we do not repent (turn around) and turn back toward God, He will remove our influence as a church from the community.   As we prepare to praise God, thank God, and listen to God we must first repent from our idol worship!  What ever it is that takes more time and priority in your life than the Almighty God, is an idol of your heart!

Today, will you pray along with me to put aside the idols of our hearts?

Gracious Heavenly Father, full of mercy and love; We worship You today!  We thank You for your loving kindness to us.  We praise You for always blessing us.  We honor You for never leaving us!  Dear Lord, we ask You to clean up our hearts today.  Help us God put aside the idols of our hearts in which we have replaced Your worship!  We cry out and ask You to forgive us Oh Lord!  We have sinned and have fallen so short of Your glory.  Please purge us of our wants and lustful desires.  Please wash us in Your grace!  Please anoint us with Your healing mercy.  Please be our Refuge and Strength!  Father, You alone know what we need and we know You will be faithful to Your Word and supply our needs according to Your riches in glory!  Hear our prayers today.  Take away any wrong desire within us.  Help us walk in Your Truth and in Your Ways.  You alone are our first love!  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

I pray your day will be filled with God’s peace and His joy!

I love you all,

Pastor Stephen