(ep recorded 9.7.2020)


Hey everyone!


I took a week off accidentally for pretty much no reason.


Anyways, here's an episode we recoreded about a week ago.


Nock got a new recording device that lets him do effects on his voice I guess... I'm not sure how much he'll be able to use that for, but I'm on board.


Besides all that we talk about sleeping on planes, eating while walking, Nock used not only the term "poring through data" but also the term panacea, which apparently means "a cure all". ...... idk.......


We also answer some fan questions and dive deep into Super Artificial Intelligence and a bunch of other junk.


Contact/see more at the following internet hangout spots:


www.Plebeian.US (check out the other podcasts on the network)

www.instagram.com/roc_podcast (pictures related to each podcast posted here)

[email protected] (cool ass email no one ever submits to)

www.facebook.com/rocpodcast (i forget to check here bc I dont use facebook that much but I dont think anyone posts here anyways.)


take it easy & float on & peace !