Stationed at the Melody Method Church dig site, making recordings of human sacrifice cases for her professor, and desperate not to fail out of college, anthropology student Jamie Locke is way out of her depth. Follow Jamie as she winds her way through the darkness that surrounds the Melody Method Church...and whatever her coworkers just found buried under that vase. 

Content warnings: discussions of death, murder, violence, corpses, cults, and injury. 

Transcript: Ritualistic Season 1 Episode 1: The Elliot Woods' Human Sacrifices

Patreon: Ritualistic Podcast


Jaye Short(they/she) as Jamie Locke 

 Caleb Burgess(he/him) as Leo Daisy

Sound Design: Seth Stone(he/him)

Writing: Morgan Champine(they/them)

Producers: Seth Stone and Morgan Champine

"The Ritualistic Theme" was composed by Sophia Weaver(she/her) and "The Prophet" was composed by Caleb Burgess.