The Biden Administration last week announced the strictest ever rule to regulate tailpipe emissions–one of the most significant sources of carbon emissions globally.

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FEATURING REV. LENNOX YEARWOOD JR. - The Biden Administration last week announced the strictest ever rule to regulate tailpipe emissions–one of the most significant sources of carbon emissions globally. But, it watered down the rule by giving automakers more time to comply–time being precisely what the planet is running out of as the climate continues to warm. 

Rather than requiring the auto industry to produce more electric vehicles (EVs), the federal government says car manufacturers have to comply with the strict emissions rules and could do so by ensuring that about 56% of all new car sales are EVs by the year 2032– a challenge for American car makers. Meanwhile, Chinese-made EVs are flooding the global market and could easily help meet Biden’s climate goals. But the U.S. has imposed strict tariffs to keep out Chinese EVs and claimed that the smart cars are a national security threat.